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I’m a 5’2 Leo who likes to sing and cook. I’m here to hype you up like a good girlfriend should. - Becky
14 Audios
You’re not feeling well, so your girlfriend comes to check on you. She knows exactly what you need to start feeling better.
Your girlfriend gently guides you through a meditation about self-love and compassion.
You can’t sleep, so your girlfriend makes up a story and tells it to you as you drift off.
You're dating someone new and she invites you over for dinner. She cooks you something delicious and tells you how she feels about you.
Your girlfriend surprises you in the morning with breakfast in bed, and then she plans the perfect lazy day together.
You and your girlfriend have been dating for awhile now, but you still give her butterflies.
Your girlfriend comes home from band practice and is practically buzzing with excitement. As you catch up at the end of the day, she excitedly tells you all about her music.
You’ve been working nonstop lately and you could really use a break. Your girlfriend notices and helps you unwind.
You’re having trouble sleeping, so your girlfriend gently rubs your back the way you like and tells you a story to help you drift off.
You and your friend are hanging out, and the mood shifts. You’re feeling closer than usual, and she confesses that she’s had a crush on you forever.
Your girlfriend helps you breathe through a panic attack.
Your girlfriend brings you breakfast in bed.
Your girlfriend calls just to hear your voice.
Your girlfriend planned the perfect date night.
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