More Like Switching It Up

Emma and I got close dancing on the same K-Pop team. But our conversations were always limited to the studio. So when she invited me over to practice before a big solo, I wasn’t sure what to think. Was she just being friendly? Or was it something more…
I didn't expect to see Megan but a few swipes later, and there she was. After we matched, we decided to skip the small talk and meet up for a drink, and after the drink, we decided to skip talking altogether.
I wasn't ready for a relationship yet, so I kept swiping. I almost bailed on Ash, but there was something about her, I had to know more. Kissing her in her apartment, I knew I made the right choice.
Eva needs a date to a wedding, and Jay is more than willing to play along. What starts out as friendly role play quickly escalates at the rehearsal dinner—hopefully the bathroom door has a lock...
After their hookup, Jay and Eva pull back and decide to remain friends. However, on the dance floor at the wedding, they both realize they want something more, and later in their cabin, they get it.
It'd been a minute since our last proper date night, so I surprised Sevyn with reservations. After dinner, she got that look in her eye that told me this wasn't the only surprise of the night...
Nicholas and Helena are invited to a dinner party by Bancroft, an ancient and powerful vampire. He’s handsome and charming but often desires what Nicholas has. When he gets a little too close to Helena, Nicholas’ jealousy flares…
After a close call with Bancroft, Helena is craving some "human" connection and romance. Nicholas invites her on a dinner date, and they can't keep their hands off each other...
Jake and Simone head to a desert resort to put on a show for the paparazzi, and of course, Annie is there. As the sun sets, all three head back to Jake’s suite, and the conversation turns intimate. As Simone leaves, Jake notices the lipstick on Annie's face. How did that get there…
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Did You?
Ch. 1 | Did You?
10 min
It was hard for me to fully let go in the bedroom. But I knew if there was someone I could figure it out with, it was Paul.
Filming is about to begin, and it’s clear that the relationship between Austin and Sophia is getting serious. But when Austin’s manager cautions them to keep it under wraps, it threatens the deepening connection between them.
Sophia and Austin are in love, but keeping their relationship a secret is taking a big toll. When they’re on set for a big video interview with Vanity Fair, Austin suddenly goes off script, surprising everyone with what he reveals.
Alyssa was leaning against the bar, smiling at some guy sitting next to her. I closed my eyes, trying to ignore the hot feeling burning in my chest, resisting the urge to get up and get between them.
Helena is on her way to a late night study session with Nicholas when she runs into Bancroft. He insinuates that Nicholas might be keeping secrets about what their blood bond really means. And when she confronts him about it, their argument turns fiery…
The trespasser continues to narrowly escape, so Artemis and Callisto hatch a new plan: they’ll lure him out by taking a swim in the sacred springs. But during the confrontation, they are nearly thwarted and Callisto is injured. Artemis heals her and the tender moment brings big feelings to the surface for both of them.
Jake Rader has suddenly become the Internet’s new favorite crush. The problem? He only has eyes for his wife, Annie. But after his agent suggests he fake a relationship for publicity, Jake and Annie use it as an opportunity to explore new sides of their marriage…
Sophia and Austin’s agents set them up on a get-to-know-each-other weekend in Big Sur before they’re set to start filming. Except they’ve already met…When the highway gets washed out and the director can’t make it, they spend a weekend alone together rehashing their past.
It’s been days since Sparrow last saw Patrick and she can’t stop thinking about him. But when a book of poetry shows up in her mailbox, it doesn’t occur to Sparrow that this might be Patrick’s way of reaching out… until he shows up at her door.
Zoe and Adrianne go to a cabin weekend with their old friends from high school. Although Adrian asks that they keep their new relationship under wraps for now, she can’t resist Zoe’s magnetism, and sneaks into her room after everyone’s asleep.
Remy is hanging poolside when they get approached by Camila and Lily. The three of them quickly form a connection and head back inside for a little fun...
When Helena asks Nicholas to bite her, she learns that it will make them “blood bonded.” Still, she’s intrigued. Nicholas insists on making the occasion special and sets up a ceremony under the light of the full moon.
When El walked into the bar, I recognized them right away. They were a tailor with a sort of celebrity status in my circle. So when they invited me to their studio for a fitting, I said yes right away.
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14 min
When I moved to Seattle, Lisa suggested I hang out with her ex, Jo. We ended up getting super close, super fast. And that night we were alone, we got even closer.
They leaned across the table at Cooper's dinner party last week and told me they were an occultist. I immediately knew I needed a reading. Now I see Sam's name lighting up my phone, and swallow.
I rifled through my backpack, distracted by their presence. An image of us naked together popped into my head and I let the idea linger instead of immediately pushing it away. The memory of that day sticks with me as I make my way over the rocks and roots. We talked for almost an hour, then headed off in different directions at a fork in the trail.
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Oh Baby
12 min
I crushed on Leah so hard in high school, but it wasn’t until we both moved to New York years later that we ended up falling in love. People say marriage can mess with your sex life, but trying for a baby has set us on fire.
What if we…skipped our dinner plans? There’s something new I want to try with you and I can’t wait any longer.
Just want you to know, I’ve been thinking about you. All day. Can’t believe I’ll see you tonight. Ten days is too long.
I’d been feeling some pain during sex with David. I was planning to find a solve, but he jumped in first, surprising me with the perfect solution.
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Just Us
12 min
Our lives are different since the baby came. But lately, somehow everything feels right. Since we have the day to ourselves, I want to do whatever makes you feel good.
Shh. I know your mom is chill, but she’s right upstairs. We’re gonna have to be really quiet if we don’t wanna get caught.
The van's a little rickety, but I think we'll make it to Moher. Even if we breakdown somewhere in the Irish countryside, we’ll still have fun. That’s why I love him, everything’s an adventure.
Remember when we talked about love languages for like, 3 hours? Well, since yours is obviously gifts, and I'm not going to get to see you for three months, I planned a little something.
It’s been a long trip, and we’re pretty close to getting to the hotel. I’m rubbing my hand up your thigh, and you swerve a bit as I slip my hand into the front of your jeans.
Hey babe, it’s me again. I wish we were together right now. If I was there, I’d pull you close and kiss you slowly…
After a conversation with friends, Will and Jo realize there's still something in their relationship they haven't tried..And tonight they want to explore together.
The first road trip together as a couple can be a real deal breaker. But with Alex, I had to stop myself from saying those three little words before we even started the car.
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10 min
He got security to put me in the front row right up against the metal barrier. I've always been turned on by music, pretending I'm the women in the songs I listen to. It's one of the reasons why I can't help but relive that night at Bonnaroo over and over, even in bed with someone else.
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9 min
I love seeing you in your element -- holding court with our group of friends. But all I can think about is getting you alone again.
I liked the quiet routine of our Sundays. But our mornings weren't just coffee and reading the newspaper. Sometimes Ellie would wake up early and surprise me with me some new rituals...
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Dirty 30
11 min
What if I gave you a little early birthday gift? Hook up with someone when you go out tonight, if you're into it. The only rule? I want you to tell me every detail.
Watching Willow flirt with strangers was such a turn on for me that we made it into a little game. She’d talk to people at parties and I’d look on, slowly stirring my drink. But that night at the bar, she took our game a step further...
I still remember the first day I met Jay. She was wearing a white tank and overalls, one of the suspenders swinging at her hip. We’ve been together for years now, but it feels like we’re still heating up. Sometimes she even puts that old outfit back on...
Every once in a while I’ll sneak a glance back at him. He’s watching me, rapt, through the phone screen.
Usually it's so quiet up here, but tonight the rooftops surrounding us are buzzing with people. I mentally calculate the chances of someone spotting us if I were to make out with Marcus right now, or reach into his shorts.
Wanna play a game? The only rule is you have to be someone new. If you’re in, meet me at the open house on 83rd and Columbus. Oh...and wear that suit I like.
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Try Me
8 min
We'd settled into a routine in our relationship, but Danny always found ways to make it feel new again.
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12 min
After a palm reading with their witchy friend, Elsie and Tasha felt like they were catching a vibe. When they go to her house for a second session, she leads them in a ceremony that brings them very close together.
I was a little nervous since it was our first time at this “adults only” dinner party. But the look that Lukas gave me said, “Whatever happens, we’re in this together."
I think I have my boyfriend's surprise all figured out. I just hope he hasn't caught on that I'm in on the game this year.
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