More Like On The Trail

I didn't expect to see Megan but a few swipes later, and there she was. After we matched, we decided to skip the small talk and meet up for a drink, and after the drink, we decided to skip talking altogether.
I wasn't ready for a relationship yet, so I kept swiping. I almost bailed on Ash, but there was something about her, I had to know more. Kissing her in her apartment, I knew I made the right choice.
Emma and I got close dancing on the same K-Pop team. But our conversations were always limited to the studio. So when she invited me over to practice before a big solo, I wasn’t sure what to think. Was she just being friendly? Or was it something more…
After their hookup, Jay and Eva pull back and decide to remain friends. However, on the dance floor at the wedding, they both realize they want something more, and later in their cabin, they get it.
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14 min
I'd met Alicia a few times way back when and even opened for her once before her band got signed, but it's not like we were close. So when she asked me to sing harmonies on her new track I was surprised and a little taken aback...until we started singing together.
I wasn’t looking for a surf lesson. But when Skye asked me to paddle out I couldn’t say no. I’d been looking for a way to clear my head after my breakup and his smile was infectious.
Eva needs a date to a wedding, and Jay is more than willing to play along. What starts out as friendly role play quickly escalates at the rehearsal dinner—hopefully the bathroom door has a lock...
When El walked into the bar, I recognized them right away. They were a tailor with a sort of celebrity status in my circle. So when they invited me to their studio for a fitting, I said yes right away.
A morning quickie with Wyatt may make Bri late for work, but it also has her feeling adventurous. Still, will she be brave enough to make a move when Lorenza walks in?
When Sparrow meets Patrick in her favorite bookshop, they get off to a less than ideal start. When she returns a few days later to find him reading a poem at an open mic night, she's taken, and when she finds out it's about her, all bets are off.
Everyone keeps telling Katie to stay away from Jesse, a local who's rough around the edges. But she can't help but want to get to know him for herself.
Winter is rapidly approaching and the energy on the farm is…tense. There’s much to be done before the season changes and Ronan and Mia still haven’t talked about their hookup. But when they get stuck in a rainstorm, the tension comes to a head and all the things they haven’t said come tumbling out.
Killian takes Sabrina for a hike along the Irish countryside. When rain threatens to dampen their fun, Killian finds a shelter and builds a fire and has a few other ideas about how they'll stay warm...
After their hookup at the reunion, Savannah and Cole take a walk down memory lane, revisiting places from their past and exploring the spark that’s growing between them.
Elizabeth is perseverating on Oliver’s proposal. On one hand, she knows it is the rational choice and the one most advantageous to her family. But on the other, her affair with Ewan has opened her up to a world of possibility she hadn’t known existed. When she gets marooned at the Ainsworth Estate during a storm, she’s forced to make her decision.
Aviva takes Dave shopping, and it's not what he expected. She leads him to the dressing room, and he gets down on his knees. Dave tries to keep her quiet, but Aviva's never been one to hold it in.
I’m so used to the gang of guys, all that banter, the buzzing razors. It’s strange in here when it’s empty, I wonder if it will feel different between us? I usually play it a bit coy, but it’s low stakes when there are lots of people round.
Zoe and Adrianne are both invited to a picnic in the park. They’re still keeping their relationship on the down-low from friends, but it’s hard for them to keep their hands off each other. So they take a risk and sneak away to their old favorite spot in the woods before anyone notices.
The critiques Lev's been getting from Cecelia feel charged, and when Lev returns to the studio after class, she learns why. Unable to resist, she returns early the next morning and what she finds stops her in her tracks.
The trespasser continues to narrowly escape, so Artemis and Callisto hatch a new plan: they’ll lure him out by taking a swim in the sacred springs. But during the confrontation, they are nearly thwarted and Callisto is injured. Artemis heals her and the tender moment brings big feelings to the surface for both of them.
It's a summer heat wave, and Katie can’t sleep. But when Jesse shows up outside her window, he has the perfect idea for how they can cool off.
Katie and Jesse bump into each other at the bar in town again. But when her cousin shows up, Jesse knows just where they can escape to be alone.
Kit and Anna play wing woman for each other at the bar but quickly realize they're more turned on watching each other than by any of their prospects. When they step outside for some air, Kit pulls Anna into an alley and...
When Lucy hires a handyman to fix her sink, she doesn’t expect Rachel, the charismatic butch woman who shows up at her doorstep. What happens next is even less expected...
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14 min
When I moved to Seattle, Lisa suggested I hang out with her ex, Jo. We ended up getting super close, super fast. And that night we were alone, we got even closer.
I’d been with Ash for a minute, but there was still so much I wanted to try. I knew they’d be down to experiment in the bedroom, but I never expected what it would bring out of us.
They leaned across the table at Cooper's dinner party last week and told me they were an occultist. I immediately knew I needed a reading. Now I see Sam's name lighting up my phone, and swallow.
I decided I would be brave, reckless. When I asked her to take a walk with me down the beach, her answer was simple. "Sim, claro."
We talked for what felt like hours as the bonfire burned in the distance. He must’ve been a lot younger than me, but he drew me in, wrapping me in his stories.
First time hitting the slopes in two years: check. First time flirting with a stranger in at least 3 months: check. First hookup on a mountain: check.
The crowd at Julie’s party is overwhelming. But I’m really vibing with this personal chef she hired. I work up the nerve to invite him over to cook at home with me next week.
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11 min
When a huge earthquake hits Mexico City, Jessica and Santiago bond quickly. When it's time for Jessica to fly back home, she realizes she wants to make a bold move.
I should've just splurged for my own ride home. We haven't even gotten out of midtown yet. I catch a whiff of him before I see him get into the car, like a luxury candle I'd buy at Barney’s and then return out of guilt.
A writers' retreat was the perfect antidote to my post-breakup restlessness: hours of silence, endless nature, and an anonymous love note pinned to my door.
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10 min
We've been sitting in total darkness for over an hour. Maybe I’m building him up in my mind since I haven’t had a real look at him in such a long time, but I had to stop myself from staring in the couple seconds we were together before the lights went out.
After five days of hiking solo, a group catches up to me on the trail. They're all fun, but I can't take my eyes off of Jules across the campfire. He's older, and sexy, and I can't really focus on anything else.
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11 min
Maybe an hour into the flight I grab the blanket under me and start spreading it out. Trying to be casual about it. I slowly reach to move his arm towards me, and rest it on my thigh.
I decided while I was getting ready tonight to go all in. I'm trying to check off every deadly sin, but I know I need a little help with lust.
My friends had weighed in so much on my last relationship, it felt easier to keep things with Nick to myself. I didn’t mean for it to happen, but slowly he became my fun little secret.
Every so often, you have one of those nights you just can't make up. When you meet someone amazing, or decide to just go with the flow and it all works out. The memory instantly becomes larger than life, and in the moment—all you can do is savor it. That's how I felt when I met Ellie.
It's after midnight and I'm one of the few stragglers still at the library. I get jolted out of a daydream by...Matt. So I'm not the only one here on a Friday night.
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Dog Days
10 min
Mornings at the dog park are my favorite time, there’s an unspoken rule that there’s no talking before coffee. But this dog’s cute owner has me rethinking that…
There was a note scribbled on the back of the check: “Best chat all night. Come back soon.” I wanted to write something flirty back but decided to do something a little bolder.
When she told me she didn’t want to sleep together on the first date, I was surprised. But if she wanted to wait…I could wait. I’d do whatever she asked.
I'm home for the holidays, sitting at our favorite bar, scrolling through my best friend's phone. God, he's terrible at Tinder, no wonder she stopped responding. Maybe I’ll just re-engage with her and see what happens.
She is dizzyingly, infuriatingly sexy. I haven't played an arcade game in years, but she hops right into a plastic race car and pats the seat beside her. Well, off to the races.
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12 min
It makes me nervous that I know so much about her, like I’d have to keep track of what I revealed if we got stuck in a conversation. And then, suddenly, it's just us two.
Area code 412...where is that? This entire club is filled with queer exes and ex’s exes. It's gotta be someone you know. Maybe you should play along...and text them something flirty back.
Without someone there to translate for us, we can barely speak. Good thing eye fucking is kind of an international language.
I take the first driving shift up to the hot springs. The roads are slick with snow, but I feel calm with Gabe sitting shotgun. I wasn’t expecting him to be so—actually, I don’t know what I was expecting.
My Library