
Dipsea 2021 year in review


Ready to learn for yourself what all the hype is about. Now's the time!

Dipsea is an app for Sexy Stories, Sleep Scenes, and Wellness Sessions designed to turn you on and then tuck you in. You can download Dipsea from the App Store, Google Play Store, or online at

Looking back at this year in the Dipseaverse, one thing was clear: “me time” was more important than ever. Connecting with yourself and your body, and making time to make yourself feel good was high on everyone’s priority list, to which we say, hell yeah.

In many ways, 2021 crept by like the last hour of a road trip while stuck in traffic, and on the other hand, it was very much a blink and you missed it kind of year. Entire months seemed to vanish before our eyes while it felt like it was June for a decade.

To try and preserve some memories, particularly the sweetness of the Dipseaverse, let’s take a look at what everyone was listening to, reading, falling asleep to, and everything in between this year.

A few numbers (but just a few, we promise)

This year, the Dipsea library exploded to include over 500 Sexy Stories, Sleep Scenes, and Wellness Sessions. That’s over 85% growth since our launch. Creating over 500 pieces of original content, all thoughtfully written, expertly acted, and carefully directed and sound designed by our in-house team of creatives and the wonderful network of voice actors we work with is no small feat, but it’s something we’re so, so proud of.

AND, more stories meant more opportunities for you to get lost in immersive worlds with your favorite characters, resulting in more listens than ever before. 4.9 million to be exact (and the year isn’t quite over yet!). 4.9 million listens is a whole lot of ‘oohs’ and ‘ahhs’ and shivers and good vibes and we hope you feel just as good about that as we do.

The stories you loved

Of course, every place had its own regional favorite too. In Sydney, AustraliaLeather & Lace’ came out on top, while in Charlotte, North Carolina it was ‘Five Years.’ In Toronto, Canada it was ‘Focus,’ and over in Boston, Massachusetts it was ‘On the Apps.’

And although everyone enjoyed Sleep by Dipsea this year, in London the track on repeat was 'Cozy Rainstorm,' which proves once and for all that Dipsea is even better than the real thing.

This year Dipsea also released five books—bingeable chapters about your favorite Hunks you can (and did) read over and over again! It was a close race, but when all was said and done ‘James After Class’ was the one nobody could put down.

Twists and Trends

If 2021 was anything, it was the year of delayed gratification. Of stopping and starting and stopping… and starting again. Which is why we can’t decide if it’s totally surprising or not surprising at all that the top Wellness track of the year was 'Edging.' Maybe a little bit of the madness of the outside world made its way into the bedroom after all.

And, for the third year in a row, the most popular day of the week for listening is Sunday, specifically Sunday night. We’ve always known that Dipsea was the ultimate answer to the Sunday Scarries, and it looks like everyone else figured that out too. All those in favor of rebranding to Sunday Sexies say ‘Aye!’ (We’ll keep working on it.)

Also for the third year in a row, Threesome was the most searched term in the Dipseaverse. It looks like everyone was still looking for a little more companionship (and we’re glad you found it!). Oral Sex and Dirty Talk rounded out the top three search terms, kocking Co-worker and Friends Become More out of the places they held last year. Guess no one was ready to head back to the office after all!

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The Dipseaverse, as it’s lovingly referred to, is so much more than the app. It’s all of the places and ways we get to engage with listeners outside of Sexy Stories, Sleep Scenes, and Wellness Sessions. And we had so much fun doing that with you this year!

You spent a lot of time with us on Tiktok—you picked the sexiest voice of the year in our first-ever Sexiest Voice Contest (congratulations again, Naya!), and you also made this video about Spontaneous vs. Responsive desire our most viewed (1.2 million and counting).

We also got to know so many of you so well over on Instagram, where you’ve continued to break down the barriers around sex and sexuality, showing up in the comments for honest, fun, freeing conversations about all things sexual wellness. This post about the most important lessons you’ve learned about sex was the most liked this year (at over 8k!), and this one about describing your sex live with emojis got 260 comments that are definitely worth revising!

As we approach 2022, we want to remind you that the only kind of resolutions we believe in at Dipsea are the ones about giving yourself more. More pleasure, more rest, and more time to make yourself feel good. We’re so excited you spent 2021 with us, and we can’t wait for you to hear what’s coming in 2022!

xx, Dipsea

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