Get Grounded with Mark
We all get disconnected from ourselves. In this series, Mark from “Hot Vinyasa” helps you tap back in. In each 3 minute session, he’ll show you a simple tool you can use to get grounded to start your day or for when you’re ready to wind down.
Ch. 1: Balance your Emotions
3 min | 20,107 plays
Sometimes you have to shutdown your emotions to get through stressful situations, but those walls can stay up past when you need them. In this session, Mark guides you through a simple breathing exercise to help you get back to an emotional balance.
Ch. 2: Shake it Off
3 min | 10,503 plays
We all get stuck on things. Our brains loop on situations trying to solve it in our minds, but emotions are stored in the body too. In this session, Mark guides you in a movement exercise designed to shake off whatever you're stuck on.
Ch. 3: Slow it Down
3 min | 7,589 plays
We all go on autopilot sometimes, but when you check out you lose out on the pleasure of small moments. In this session, Mark guides you through a quick exercise designed to reconnect you with your senses and ground you back in the present moment.
Stretching doesn’t have to be about getting super fit or flexible, it can simply be a way of saying “good morning” or “goodnight” to your body. In this session, Mark will guide you through a short series of stretches you can use to check in with your body.
Ch. 5: Calm Your Mind
3 min | 7,256 plays
It can feel like life piles on more right when you are at your limit. But even when things are stressful, it’s important to find time to release your responsibilities. In this session, Mark creates a safe space for you to relax and let go.
Ch. 6: Stop the Spiral
3 min | 5,646 plays
Negative thinking can be like a web, the more you try to think yourself out of it the deeper you get. In this session, Mark helps you stop the negativity spiral by guiding you out of your head and back into your body with some soothing self touch.
Ch. 7: Release Your Stress
3 min | 5,913 plays
Stress isn’t just in your head, it shows up in your body too. In this session, Mark guides you through a quick exercise designed to help you identify and release areas where you’re holding stress and tension.